

Title : Regulation of muscarinic receptors by intrahippocampal injections of gallamine - Messer_1991_Brain.Res_564_73
Author(s) : Messer WS, Jr. , Ellerbrock BR , Bohnett M
Ref : Brain Research , 564 :73 , 1991
Abstract :

Multiple intrahippocampal injections of gallamine impair performance of a representational memory task in rats. The binding of [3H]-(-)-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) to rat brain sections was measured to determine if changes in receptor binding were associated with the deleterious effects of gallamine. [3H]-(-)-QNB binding to sections taken from gallamine-injected animals was compared with binding in saline-injected control animals. Autoradiographic analyses indicated an increase in [3H]-(-)-QNB binding sites within all layers of the cerebral cortex and in the superior colliculus in gallamine-treated animals as compared to saline-injected controls. Significant increases were noted in cortical layers IV and V (P less than 0.025) in gallamine-treated animals. No significant changes (P greater than 0.05) in the number of binding sites were observed in the hippocampus, neostriatum or various thalamic nuclei. The ability of unlabeled pirenzepine, gallamine and carbamylcholine to inhibit 0.2 nM [3H]-(-)-QNB binding also was measured to determine changes in the distribution of receptor subtypes. No significant changes were observed in any brain region for the binding of the selective antagonists pirenzepine and gallamine or the agonist carbamyl-choline. Although other possibilities are considered, the data suggest that an increase in the number of muscarinic receptors may contribute to the observed behavioral deficits associated with long-term gallamine treatment.

PubMedSearch : Messer_1991_Brain.Res_564_73
PubMedID: 1777823

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Messer WS, Jr., Ellerbrock BR, Bohnett M (1991)
Regulation of muscarinic receptors by intrahippocampal injections of gallamine
Brain Research 564 :73

Messer WS, Jr., Ellerbrock BR, Bohnett M (1991)
Brain Research 564 :73