

Title : Ternary heterostructures of 1D\/2D\/2D CuCo(2)S(4)\/CuS\/Ti(3)C(2) MXene: Boosted amperometric sensing for chlorpyrifos - Mi_2022_J.Hazard.Mater_438_129419
Author(s) : Mi Y , Zhao Y , Chen J , Li X , Yang Y , Gao F
Ref : J Hazard Mater , 438 :129419 , 2022
Abstract :

Multicomponent heterogeneous Ti(3)C(2) transition metal carbide (MXene)-based materials are receiving extensive research attention due to their interesting synergistic interactions and catalytic properties. However, the morphology-controllable synthesis of heterostructures as structural stabilizers for Ti(3)C(2) MXene remains a challenge owing the complicated synthesis procedure. In this work, a kind of ternary heterogeneous nanomaterials CuCo(2)S(4)/CuS/Ti(3)C(2) MXene with a nanorod/nanoplate/nanosheet hybrid architecture is constructed through a one-step low-temperature solvothermal method. The well-designed ternary one-dimensional (1D)/two-dimensional (2D)/2D CuCo(2)S(4)/CuS/Ti(3)C(2) MXene heteromaterials exhibit synergistic improvements in substrate-catalyzed reactions for electrochemical acetylcholinesterase (AChE) biosensor. The Michaelis-Menten constant for the Nafion/AChE/CuCo(2)S(4)/CuS/Ti(3)C(2) MXene/GCE biosensor is 228 microM, which is smaller than ones reported in previous literatures, indicating a higher affinity of the fabricated enzyme biosensor to acetylthiocholine chloride. The biosensor exhibits a well linear relationship with chlorpyrifos concentration ranging from 2.852 x 10(-12) M to 2.852 x 10(-6) M. The multicomponent 1D/2D/2D CuCo(2)S(4)/CuS/Ti(3)C(2) MXene heteromaterial may shine a light in more electrochemical applications.

PubMedSearch : Mi_2022_J.Hazard.Mater_438_129419
PubMedID: 35780734

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Mi Y, Zhao Y, Chen J, Li X, Yang Y, Gao F (2022)
Ternary heterostructures of 1D\/2D\/2D CuCo(2)S(4)\/CuS\/Ti(3)C(2) MXene: Boosted amperometric sensing for chlorpyrifos
J Hazard Mater 438 :129419

Mi Y, Zhao Y, Chen J, Li X, Yang Y, Gao F (2022)
J Hazard Mater 438 :129419