

Title : Changes in intracellular free Ca ion concentration evoked by electrical activity in cat spinal neurons in situ - Morris_1985_Neurosci_14_563
Author(s) : Morris ME , Krnjevic K , MacDonald JF
Ref : Neuroscience , 14 :563 , 1985
Abstract :

In cats under allobarbitone anaesthesia, Ca2+-sensitive microelectrodes were inserted into the lumbosacral spinal neurons to measure intracellular free Ca2+ concentration [Ca]i. In 72 resting motoneurons, the global mean [Ca]i was 7.9 microM (SD +/- 25.9). In the 36 "best" cells (with resting and action potentials better than 60 mV), mean [Ca]i was 1.6 microM (SD +/- 1.64). Activation of motoneurons by antidromic or direct stimulation evoked mean increases in [Ca]i of about 90 nM when stimulating for 30 s at 10 Hz, and 170 nM at 20 Hz. The mean time to half-recovery was 23 s (SD +/- 14.5). Orthodromic stimulation consistently produced smaller increases in [Ca]i. Measurements in motor axons showed a comparable resting level of [Ca]i, but only minimal changes during stimulation, even at 100 Hz. Sensory axons (also recorded within the spinal cord) similarly failed to show any increase in [Ca]i during high frequency stimulation. In some interneurons, however, particularly large and rapid increases in [Ca]i could be evoked by dorsal root stimulation at 1-5 Hz. Unresponsive cells (presumably neuroglia), with a typically high and stable resting potential, had a variable [Ca]i giving a mean of 32 microM (SD +/- 63.0). A tentative theoretical analysis of the magnitude and time course of delta [Ca]i evoked in motoneurons by tetanic stimulation is consistent with remarkably slow apparent diffusion of intracellular Ca2+ (1/250 of rate of diffusion in water), such as might be expected in the presence of very efficient mechanisms of Ca2+ sequestration.

PubMedSearch : Morris_1985_Neurosci_14_563
PubMedID: 3990955

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Morris ME, Krnjevic K, MacDonald JF (1985)
Changes in intracellular free Ca ion concentration evoked by electrical activity in cat spinal neurons in situ
Neuroscience 14 :563

Morris ME, Krnjevic K, MacDonald JF (1985)
Neuroscience 14 :563