

Title : Functional properties and developmental regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on embryonic chicken sympathetic neurons - Moss_1989_Neuron_3_597
Author(s) : Moss BL , Schuetze SM , Role LW
Ref : Neuron , 3 :597 , 1989
Abstract :

Measurement of acetylcholine (ACh)-induced currents indicates that the sensitivity of embryonic sympathetic neurons increases following innervation in vivo and in vitro. We have used single-channel recording to assess the contribution of changes in ACh receptor properties to this increase. Early in development (before synaptogenesis), we detect three classes of ACh-activated channels that differ in their conductance and kinetics. Molecular studies indicating a variety of neuronal receptor subunit clones suggest a similar diversity. Later in development (after innervation), changes in functional properties include increases in conductance and apparent mean open time, the addition of a new conductance class, as well as apparent clustering and segregation of channel types. These changes in channel function are compatible with the developmental increase in ACh sensitivity.

PubMedSearch : Moss_1989_Neuron_3_597
PubMedID: 2642012

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Citations formats

Moss BL, Schuetze SM, Role LW (1989)
Functional properties and developmental regulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on embryonic chicken sympathetic neurons
Neuron 3 :597

Moss BL, Schuetze SM, Role LW (1989)
Neuron 3 :597