Title : Rapid detection of virulence factors of Aeromonas isolated from a trout farm by hexaplex-PCR - Nam_2007_J.Microbiol_45_297 |
Author(s) : Nam IY , Joh K |
Ref : J Microbiol , 45 :297 , 2007 |
Abstract :
The detection of virulence factors of Aeromonas is a key component in determining potential pathogenicity because these factors act multifunctionally and multifactorially. In this study water samples were collected from a trout farm on a seasonal basis, and diseased fish and Aeromonas species were isolated and identified. For rapid detection of six virulence factors of isolated Aeromonas, a hexaplex-polymerase chain reaction (hexaplex-PCR) assay was used. The detected virulence factors include aerolysin (aer), GCAT (gcat), serine protease (ser), nuclease (nuc) lipase (lip) and lateral flagella (laf). The dominant strain found in our isolates was Aeromonas sobria, and the dominant virulence factors were aer and nuc for all seasons. We confirmed that A. sobria and two of the virulence genes (aer and nuc) are related. We proposed a method by which one can identify the major strains of Aeromonas: A. hydrophila, A. sobria, A. caviae, and A. veronii, using hexaplex-PCR. |
PubMedSearch : Nam_2007_J.Microbiol_45_297 |
PubMedID: 17846582 |
Nam IY, Joh K (2007)
Rapid detection of virulence factors of Aeromonas isolated from a trout farm by hexaplex-PCR
J Microbiol
45 :297
Nam IY, Joh K (2007)
J Microbiol
45 :297