

Title : Transient impairment of cholinergic function in the rat insular cortex disrupts the encoding of taste in conditioned taste aversion - Naor_1996_Behav.Brain.Res_79_61
Author(s) : Naor C , Dudai Y
Ref : Behavioural Brain Research , 79 :61 , 1996
Abstract :

The muscarinic antagonist scopolamine blocks conditioned taste aversion (CTA) when microinjected bilaterally into the rat insular cortex shortly before the exposure of the rat to a novel taste (the conditioned stimulus, CS) in CTA training. Scopolamine has no effect when microinjected shortly after the exposure to the novel taste or shortly before the application of the malaise-inducing agent (unconditioned stimulus, UCS). Scopolamine does not affect sensory, motor and retrieval mechanisms required for performing the CTA task, and does not block CTA when injected into another cortical area. The effect of scopolamine is independent of the taste used as CS. Furthermore, microinjection of scopolamine into the insular cortex shortly before the pre-exposure to a new taste in a latent inhibition paradigm, impairs the attenuation of CTA by that pre-exposure. Other muscarinic antagonists, pirenzepine and AF DX-116, have an effect similar to that of scopolamine. Comparison of the dose-dependency curves of the muscarinic antagonists suggests a predominant role in CTA for M2 subtype receptors. Carbachol, a muscarinic agonist, also impairs the encoding of taste in the insular cortex, but the results are confounded by the ability of that ligand to induce seizures. Our findings suggest that cholinergic neuromodulation participates in processing the CS in the gustatory cortex in CTA, either by encoding novelty at the cellular level, or by instructing the neural circuits to store the novel taste representation.

PubMedSearch : Naor_1996_Behav.Brain.Res_79_61
PubMedID: 8883817

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Naor C, Dudai Y (1996)
Transient impairment of cholinergic function in the rat insular cortex disrupts the encoding of taste in conditioned taste aversion
Behavioural Brain Research 79 :61

Naor C, Dudai Y (1996)
Behavioural Brain Research 79 :61