

Title : C-reactive protein: a pentraxin with anti-acetylcholine activity - Nazarov_2007_Life.Sci_80_2337
Author(s) : Nazarov PG , Krylova IB , Evdokimova NR , Nezhinskaya GI , Butyugov AA
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2337 , 2007
Abstract :

Purified C-reactive protein (CRP) diminished effects of acetylcholine (ACh) on the vascular tone and the heart rate of rats in vivo. In vitro CRP inhibited breakdown of ACh by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) while did not interact with AChE itself. CRP appears to bind ACh. CRP did not modify the cardiovascular effects of adenosine, another vasorelaxant. The data suggest that there is a new line of cross-talk between the inflammation and cholinergic regulation with CRP acting on endothelium via the ACh-dependent pathway.

PubMedSearch : Nazarov_2007_Life.Sci_80_2337
PubMedID: 17531271

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Nazarov PG, Krylova IB, Evdokimova NR, Nezhinskaya GI, Butyugov AA (2007)
C-reactive protein: a pentraxin with anti-acetylcholine activity
Life Sciences 80 :2337

Nazarov PG, Krylova IB, Evdokimova NR, Nezhinskaya GI, Butyugov AA (2007)
Life Sciences 80 :2337