

Title : Neuronal activity rapidly induces transcription of the CREB-regulated microRNA-132, in vivo - Nudelman_2010_Hippocampus_20_492
Author(s) : Nudelman AS , DiRocco DP , Lambert TJ , Garelick MG , Le J , Nathanson NM , Storm DR
Ref : Hippocampus , 20 :492 , 2010
Abstract :

Activity-dependent changes in gene-expression are believed to underlie the molecular representation of memory. In this study, we report that in vivo activation of neurons rapidly induces the CREB-regulated microRNA miR-132. To determine if production of miR-132 is regulated by neuronal activity its expression in mouse brain was monitored by quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). Pilocarpine-induced seizures led to a robust, rapid, and transient increase in the primary transcript of miR-132 (pri-miR-132) followed by a subsequent rise in mature microRNA (miR-132). Activation of neurons in the hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and striatum by contextual fear conditioning, odor-exposure, and cocaine-injection, respectively, also increased pri-miR-132. Induction kinetics of pri-miR-132 were monitored and found to parallel those of immediate early genes, peaking at 45 min and returning to basal levels within 2 h of stimulation. Expression levels of primary and mature-miR-132 increased significantly between postnatal Days 10 and 24. We conclude that miR-132 is an activity-dependent microRNA in vivo, and may contribute to the long-lasting proteomic changes required for experience-dependent neuronal plasticity.

PubMedSearch : Nudelman_2010_Hippocampus_20_492
PubMedID: 19557767

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Nudelman AS, DiRocco DP, Lambert TJ, Garelick MG, Le J, Nathanson NM, Storm DR (2010)
Neuronal activity rapidly induces transcription of the CREB-regulated microRNA-132, in vivo
Hippocampus 20 :492

Nudelman AS, DiRocco DP, Lambert TJ, Garelick MG, Le J, Nathanson NM, Storm DR (2010)
Hippocampus 20 :492