

Title : Boosting the brain's ability to block inflammation via microRNA-132 - O'Neill_2009_Immunity_31_854
Author(s) : O'Neill LA
Ref : Immunity , 31 :854 , 2009
Abstract :

The brain-immune axis continues to fascinate. In this issue of Immunity, Shaked et al. (2009) describe how miR-132 mediates an anti-inflammatory effect via the targeting of acetylcholinesterase, leading to an increase in the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

PubMedSearch : O'Neill_2009_Immunity_31_854
PubMedID: 20064444

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O'Neill LA (2009)
Boosting the brain's ability to block inflammation via microRNA-132
Immunity 31 :854

O'Neill LA (2009)
Immunity 31 :854