

Title : Myasthenia gravis Lambert-Eaton overlap syndrome - Oh_2016_Muscle.Nerve_53_20
Author(s) : Oh SJ
Ref : Muscle & Nerve , 53 :20 , 2016
Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: To assess whether a myasthenia gravis (MG) Lambert-Eaton overlap syndrome (MLOS) exists.
METHODS: Case reports that met the universally accepted diagnostic criteria for MG and Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) were sought through a PubMed search. Fifty-five possible cases of MLOS were identified.
RESULTS: Thirty-nine cases met the diagnostic criteria for MG and LEMS. Analysis of clinical features showed that these patients have common MG and LEMS symptoms: oculo-bulbar paresis and good response to anti-cholinesterase for MG and limb weakness and decreased or absent reflexes for LEMS. All had the classical LEMS pattern in the repetitive nerve stimulation test: low compound muscle action potential amplitude and incremental response > 60% with brief exercise or at high rate of stimulation. Eight patients had combined positive acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChR-ab) or muscle-specific kinase-ab and voltage-gated calcium channel- ab tests.
CONCLUSIONS: A myasthenia gravis Lambert-Eaton overlap syndrome (MLOS) does exist. Muscle Nerve 53: 20-26, 2016.

PubMedSearch : Oh_2016_Muscle.Nerve_53_20
PubMedID: 26418033

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Citations formats

Oh SJ (2016)
Myasthenia gravis Lambert-Eaton overlap syndrome
Muscle & Nerve 53 :20

Oh SJ (2016)
Muscle & Nerve 53 :20