

Title : Serum and erythrocyte acetylcholine esterase in Hirschsprung's disease - Okasora_1983_Z.Kinderchir_38_298
Author(s) : Okasora T , Okamoto E , Kuwata K , Toyosaka A , Ohashi S , Ueki S
Ref : Z Kinderchir , 38 :298 , 1983
Abstract :

Determination of acetylcholine esterase in serum (S-AChE) and erythrocytes (E-AChE) was carried out in nine patients with Hirschsprung's disease and 16 normal controls. S-AChE was significantly elevated in patients with Hirschsprung's disease, while no significant difference was observed in E-AChE in these two groups. In 17 patients with Hirschsprung's disease, S-AChE and E-AChE were determined after definitive operation. Twelve of these patients underwent a Duhamel type procedure in which a small part of the aganglionic bowel segment remained unresected. Five patients were treated by Swenson's procedure performing complete resection of the aganglionic bowel segment. S-AChE in patients treated by the Duhamel type procedure remained elevated, while it was as low as that in normal controls in patients who underwent Swenson's procedure. There was no significance in E-AChE in both groups. This study suggests a close relation of the level of S-AChE to the extent of the aganglionic bowel segment in Hirschsprung's disease.

PubMedSearch : Okasora_1983_Z.Kinderchir_38_298
PubMedID: 6649901

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Okasora T, Okamoto E, Kuwata K, Toyosaka A, Ohashi S, Ueki S (1983)
Serum and erythrocyte acetylcholine esterase in Hirschsprung's disease
Z Kinderchir 38 :298

Okasora T, Okamoto E, Kuwata K, Toyosaka A, Ohashi S, Ueki S (1983)
Z Kinderchir 38 :298