

Title : Chylomicrons and lipoprotein lipase at the endothelial surface: bound and GAG-ged? - Ory_2007_Cell.Metab_5_229
Author(s) : Ory DS
Ref : Cell Metab , 5 :229 , 2007
Abstract :

At the endothelial cell surface, binding of chylomicrons and lipoprotein lipase (LpL), the major enzyme involved in the processing of these triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, is thought to involve electrostatic interactions with glycosaminoglycans. A new study published in this issue of Cell Metabolism (Beigneux et al., 2007) provides evidence for a specific chylomicron/LpL receptor, which may serve as a platform for LpL-mediated processing of chylomicrons on the capillary endothelium.

PubMedSearch : Ory_2007_Cell.Metab_5_229
PubMedID: 17403366

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Ory DS (2007)
Chylomicrons and lipoprotein lipase at the endothelial surface: bound and GAG-ged?
Cell Metab 5 :229

Ory DS (2007)
Cell Metab 5 :229