

Title : Pretreatment with taurine prevented brain injury and exploratory behaviour associated with administration of anticancer drug cisplatin in rats - Owoeye_2018_Biomed.Pharmacother_102_375
Author(s) : Owoeye O , Adedara IA , Farombi EO
Ref : Biomed Pharmacother , 102 :375 , 2018
Abstract :

The neurotoxicity associated with cisplatin treatment is one of the major side effects compromising the efficacy of the anti-cancer treatment. The present study investigated the possible protective effects of taurine, an intracellular amino acid, on cisplatin-induced brain injury and exploratory behaviour using five groups of ten female rats each. Group I received drinking water only. Group II orally received taurine alone at 200mg/kg whereas Group III received cisplatin alone intraperitoneally at 10mg/kg. Groups IV and V were treated with taurine at 100 and 200mg/kg respectively for sixteen consecutive days and a single intraperitoneal injection of cisplatin on day 13 to induce neurotoxicity. Endpoint analyses using video-tracking software revealed that cisplatin administration alone caused neurobehavioral deficits evinced by marked decrease in the total distance travelled, average speed, total time mobile, total mobile episode, number of crossing and absolute turn angle. Furthermore, cisplatin alone significantly suppressed brain antioxidant defense mechanisms, elevated nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation levels whereas it increased acetylcholinesterase activity in the treated rats. However, rats pretreated with taurine exhibited significant improvement in behavioural performance and brain antioxidant status with concomitant decrease in acetylcholinesterase activity and oxidative stress indices when compared with cisplatin alone group. Histologically, taurine pretreatment prevented cisplatin-induced neuronal death in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices, caudo-putamen and hippocampus as well as abrogated cisplatin-mediated decrease in the dendritic arborization and mean diameter of the somata of pyramidal neurons in the treated rats. In conclusion, taurine may be a possible protective supplement to reduce cisplatin-induced side-effects including neurotoxicity in patients undergoing cisplatin treatment.

PubMedSearch : Owoeye_2018_Biomed.Pharmacother_102_375
PubMedID: 29571023

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Owoeye O, Adedara IA, Farombi EO (2018)
Pretreatment with taurine prevented brain injury and exploratory behaviour associated with administration of anticancer drug cisplatin in rats
Biomed Pharmacother 102 :375

Owoeye O, Adedara IA, Farombi EO (2018)
Biomed Pharmacother 102 :375