

Title : Repeated systemic administration of the nutraceutical alpha-linolenic acid exerts neuroprotective efficacy, an antidepressant effect and improves cognitive performance when given after soman exposure - Pan_2015_Neurotoxicol_51_38
Author(s) : Pan H , Piermartiri TC , Chen J , McDonough J , Oppel C , Driwech W , Winter K , McFarland E , Black K , Figueiredo T , Grunberg N , Marini AM
Ref : Neurotoxicology , 51 :38 , 2015
Abstract :

Exposure to nerve agents results in severe seizures or status epilepticus caused by the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase, a critical enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine to terminate neurotransmission. Prolonged seizures cause brain damage and can lead to long-term consequences. Current countermeasures are only modestly effective against the brain damage supporting interest in the evaluation of new and efficacious therapies. The nutraceutical alpha-linolenic acid (LIN) is an essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that has a wide safety margin. Previous work showed that a single intravenous injection of alpha-linolenic acid (500nmol/kg) administered before or after soman significantly protected against soman-induced brain damage when analyzed 24h after exposure. Here, we show that administration of three intravenous injections of alpha-linolenic acid over a 7 day period after soman significantly improved motor performance on the rotarod, enhanced memory retention, exerted an anti-depressant-like activity and increased animal survival. This dosing schedule significantly reduced soman-induced neuronal degeneration in four major vulnerable brain regions up to 21 days. Taken together, alpha-linolenic acid reduces the profound behavioral deficits induced by soman possibly by decreasing neuronal cell death, and increases animal survival.

PubMedSearch : Pan_2015_Neurotoxicol_51_38
PubMedID: 26386148

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Pan H, Piermartiri TC, Chen J, McDonough J, Oppel C, Driwech W, Winter K, McFarland E, Black K, Figueiredo T, Grunberg N, Marini AM (2015)
Repeated systemic administration of the nutraceutical alpha-linolenic acid exerts neuroprotective efficacy, an antidepressant effect and improves cognitive performance when given after soman exposure
Neurotoxicology 51 :38

Pan H, Piermartiri TC, Chen J, McDonough J, Oppel C, Driwech W, Winter K, McFarland E, Black K, Figueiredo T, Grunberg N, Marini AM (2015)
Neurotoxicology 51 :38