

Title : Butyrycholinesterase K variant and Alzheimer's disease - Panegyres_1999_J.Neurol_246_369
Author(s) : Panegyres PK , Mamotte CD , Vasikaran SD , Wilton S , Fabian V , Kakulas BA
Ref : Journal of Neurology , 246 :369 , 1999
Abstract :

This study attempted to corroborate findings on the association between butyrylcholinesterase K variant and Alzheimer's disease. This was performed on an autopsy-confirmed series of patients with Alzheimer's disease and controls. The butyrylcholinesterase K variant was found to be of increased allele frequency in patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease. When related to APOE epsilon4 typing the association was specific but not sensitive for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

PubMedSearch : Panegyres_1999_J.Neurol_246_369
PubMedID: 10399868

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Mutation A539T_human-BCHE

Citations formats

Panegyres PK, Mamotte CD, Vasikaran SD, Wilton S, Fabian V, Kakulas BA (1999)
Butyrycholinesterase K variant and Alzheimer's disease
Journal of Neurology 246 :369

Panegyres PK, Mamotte CD, Vasikaran SD, Wilton S, Fabian V, Kakulas BA (1999)
Journal of Neurology 246 :369