Title : Prolonged neuromuscular blockade following succinylcholine administration to a patient with a reduced butyrylcholinesterase activity - Panhuizen_2010_Case.Report.Med_2010_472389 |
Author(s) : Panhuizen IF , Snoeck MM , Levano S , Girard T |
Ref : Case Report Med , 2010 :472389 , 2010 |
Abstract :
This case is about a 48-year-old woman known with a reduced butyrylcholinesterase activity, who developed prolonged neuromuscular blockade following the unintentional administration of succinylcholine. We took the opportunity to monitor the development of neuromuscular function during this period and blood samples were taken for molecular genetic analysis and for quantitative and qualitative analysis since not all causative mutations are functionally characterized. Reduced butyrylcholinesterase activity is discussed in many aspects. Clinical considerations are suggested concerning genetic counselling. |
PubMedSearch : Panhuizen_2010_Case.Report.Med_2010_472389 |
PubMedID: 20589221 |
Panhuizen IF, Snoeck MM, Levano S, Girard T (2010)
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade following succinylcholine administration to a patient with a reduced butyrylcholinesterase activity
Case Report Med
2010 :472389
Panhuizen IF, Snoeck MM, Levano S, Girard T (2010)
Case Report Med
2010 :472389