

Title : Two novel frame shift mutations in lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) gene associated with a familial LCAT deficiency phenotype -
Author(s) : Park CW , Lim MH , Youn DY , Jung SE , Chung S , Ahn YS , Chang YS , Lee JH
Ref : Atherosclerosis , 206 :346 , 2009
PubMedID: 19329119

Citations formats

Park CW, Lim MH, Youn DY, Jung SE, Chung S, Ahn YS, Chang YS, Lee JH (2009)
Two novel frame shift mutations in lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) gene associated with a familial LCAT deficiency phenotype
Atherosclerosis 206 :346

Park CW, Lim MH, Youn DY, Jung SE, Chung S, Ahn YS, Chang YS, Lee JH (2009)
Atherosclerosis 206 :346