Title : The alpha\/beta hydrolase CGI-58 and peroxisomal transport protein PXA1 Coregulate lipid homeostasis and signaling in Arabidopsis - Park_2013_Plant.Cell_25_1726 |
Author(s) : Park S , Gidda SK , James CN , Horn PJ , Khuu N , Seay DC , Keereetaweep J , Chapman KD , Mullen RT , Dyer JM |
Ref : Plant Cell , 25 :1726 , 2013 |
Abstract :
COMPARATIVE GENE IDENTIFICATION-58 (CGI-58) is a key regulator of lipid metabolism and signaling in mammals, but its underlying mechanisms are unclear. Disruption of CGI-58 in either mammals or plants results in a significant increase in triacylglycerol (TAG), suggesting that CGI-58 activity is evolutionarily conserved. However, plants lack proteins that are important for CGI-58 activity in mammals. Here, we demonstrate that CGI-58 functions by interacting with the PEROXISOMAL ABC-TRANSPORTER1 (PXA1), a protein that transports a variety of substrates into peroxisomes for their subsequent metabolism by beta-oxidation, including fatty acids and lipophilic hormone precursors of the jasmonate and auxin biosynthetic pathways. We also show that mutant cgi-58 plants display changes in jasmonate biosynthesis, auxin signaling, and lipid metabolism consistent with reduced PXA1 activity in planta and that, based on the double mutant cgi-58 pxa1, PXA1 is epistatic to CGI-58 in all of these processes. However, CGI-58 was not required for the PXA1-dependent breakdown of TAG in germinated seeds. Collectively, the results reveal that CGI-58 positively regulates many aspects of PXA1 activity in plants and that these two proteins function to coregulate lipid metabolism and signaling, particularly in nonseed vegetative tissues. Similarities and differences of CGI-58 activity in plants versus animals are discussed. |
PubMedSearch : Park_2013_Plant.Cell_25_1726 |
PubMedID: 23667126 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-LPAAT |
Gene_locus | arath-LPAAT |
Family | CGI-58_ABHD5_ABHD4 |
Park S, Gidda SK, James CN, Horn PJ, Khuu N, Seay DC, Keereetaweep J, Chapman KD, Mullen RT, Dyer JM (2013)
The alpha\/beta hydrolase CGI-58 and peroxisomal transport protein PXA1 Coregulate lipid homeostasis and signaling in Arabidopsis
Plant Cell
25 :1726
Park S, Gidda SK, James CN, Horn PJ, Khuu N, Seay DC, Keereetaweep J, Chapman KD, Mullen RT, Dyer JM (2013)
Plant Cell
25 :1726