Title : A carboxylesterase-selective ratiometric fluorescent two-photon probe and its application to hepatocytes and liver tissues - Park_2016_Chem.Sci_7_3703 |
Author(s) : Park SJ , Lee HW , Kim HR , Kang C , Kim HM |
Ref : Chem Sci , 7 :3703 , 2016 |
Abstract :
Carboxylesterases (CEs) are widely distributed enzymes in the human body that catalyze hydrolysis of various endogenous and exogenous substrates. They are directly linked to hepatic drug metabolisms and steatosis, and their regulations are important issues in pharmacological and clinical applications. In this work, we have developed an emission ratiometric two-photon probe (SE1) for quantitatively detecting CE in situ. This probe is based on a translation of intramolecular charge transfer character upon reaction with CE. It shows a sensitive blue-to-yellow emission change in response to human CE activity, easy loading into cells, insensitivity to pH and other metabolites including ROS and RNS, high photostability, and low cytotoxicity. Using live hepatocytes and liver tissues, we found that ratiometric two-photon microscopic imaging with SE1 is an effective tool for monitoring CE activities at the subcellular level in live tissues. This probe will find useful applications in biomedical research, including studies of hepatic steatosis and drug developments. |
PubMedSearch : Park_2016_Chem.Sci_7_3703 |
PubMedID: 30008999 |
Park SJ, Lee HW, Kim HR, Kang C, Kim HM (2016)
A carboxylesterase-selective ratiometric fluorescent two-photon probe and its application to hepatocytes and liver tissues
Chem Sci
7 :3703
Park SJ, Lee HW, Kim HR, Kang C, Kim HM (2016)
Chem Sci
7 :3703