

Title : Tuning the Envelope Structure of Enzyme Nanoreactors for In Vivo Detoxification of Organophosphates - Pashirova_2023_Int.J.Mol.Sci_24_
Author(s) : Pashirova T , Shaihutdinova Z , Tatarinov D , Mansurova M , Kazakova R , Bogdanov A , Chabriere E , Jacquet P , Daude D , Akhunzianov AA , Miftakhova RR , Masson P
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 24 : , 2023
Abstract :

Encapsulated phosphotriesterase nanoreactors show their efficacy in the prophylaxis and post-exposure treatment of poisoning by paraoxon. A new enzyme nanoreactor (E-nRs) containing an evolved multiple mutant (L72C/Y97F/Y99F/W263V/I280T) of Saccharolobus solfataricus phosphotriesterase (PTE) for in vivo detoxification of organophosphorous compounds (OP) was made. A comparison of nanoreactors made of three- and di-block copolymers was carried out. Two types of morphology nanoreactors made of di-block copolymers were prepared and characterized as spherical micelles and polymersomes with sizes of 40 nm and 100 nm, respectively. The polymer concentrations were varied from 0.1 to 0.5% (w/w) and enzyme concentrations were varied from 2.5 to 12.5 microM. In vivo experiments using E-nRs of diameter 106 nm, polydispersity 0.17, zeta-potential -8.3 mV, and loading capacity 15% showed that the detoxification efficacy against paraoxon was improved: the LD(50) shift was 23.7xLD(50) for prophylaxis and 8xLD(50) for post-exposure treatment without behavioral alteration or functional physiological changes up to one month after injection. The pharmacokinetic profiles of i.v.-injected E-nRs made of three- and di-block copolymers were similar to the profiles of the injected free enzyme, suggesting partial enzyme encapsulation. Indeed, ELISA and Western blot analyses showed that animals developed an immune response against the enzyme. However, animals that received several injections did not develop iatrogenic symptoms.

PubMedSearch : Pashirova_2023_Int.J.Mol.Sci_24_
PubMedID: 37958742

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Pashirova T, Shaihutdinova Z, Tatarinov D, Mansurova M, Kazakova R, Bogdanov A, Chabriere E, Jacquet P, Daude D, Akhunzianov AA, Miftakhova RR, Masson P (2023)
Tuning the Envelope Structure of Enzyme Nanoreactors for In Vivo Detoxification of Organophosphates
Int J Mol Sci 24 :

Pashirova T, Shaihutdinova Z, Tatarinov D, Mansurova M, Kazakova R, Bogdanov A, Chabriere E, Jacquet P, Daude D, Akhunzianov AA, Miftakhova RR, Masson P (2023)
Int J Mol Sci 24 :