Title : Agonists that suppress M-current elicit phosphoinositide turnover and Ca2+ transients, but these events do not explain M-current suppression - Pfaffinger_1988_Neuron_1_477 |
Author(s) : Pfaffinger PJ , Leibowitz MD , Subers EM , Nathanson NM , Almers W , Hille B |
Ref : Neuron , 1 :477 , 1988 |
Abstract :
The hypothesis that acetylcholine, substance P, and LHRH suppress M-current by activating phospholipase C was tested. Each agonist caused turnover of phosphoinositide, as measured by release of inositol phosphates, and a modest transient rise in intracellular free Ca2+ ([ Ca2+]i), as determined with fura-2. Active phorbol esters depressed M-current only 50% and did not prevent further suppression by LHRH. M-current, its control by agonists, and its depression by phorbol esters were not affected by adding inositol trisphosphate or Ca2+ buffers with high or low Ca2+ to the whole-cell, voltage-clamp pipette. We conclude that phospholipase C activation does occur but does not mediate the suppression of M-current by agonists. Caffeine produced large [Ca2+]i transients and acted as an agonist to suppress M-current. |
PubMedSearch : Pfaffinger_1988_Neuron_1_477 |
PubMedID: 2483099 |
Pfaffinger PJ, Leibowitz MD, Subers EM, Nathanson NM, Almers W, Hille B (1988)
Agonists that suppress M-current elicit phosphoinositide turnover and Ca2+ transients, but these events do not explain M-current suppression
1 :477
Pfaffinger PJ, Leibowitz MD, Subers EM, Nathanson NM, Almers W, Hille B (1988)
1 :477