

Title : Genome sequence of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain H44\/76 - Piet_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_2371
Author(s) : Piet JR , Huis in 't Veld RA , van Schaik BD , van Kampen AH , Baas F , van de Beek D , Pannekoek Y , van der Ende A
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :2371 , 2011
Abstract :

Neisseria meningitidis is an obligate human pathogen. While it is a frequent commensal of the upper respiratory tract, in some individuals the bacterium spreads to the bloodstream, causing meningitis and/or sepsis, which are serious conditions with high morbidity and mortality. Here we report the availability of the genome sequence of the widely used serogroup B laboratory strain H44/76.

PubMedSearch : Piet_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_2371
PubMedID: 21378179
Gene_locus related to this paper: neigo-pip , neima-metx , neime-ESD , neime-NMA2216 , neime-NMB0276 , neime-NMB1877

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Citations formats

Piet JR, Huis in 't Veld RA, van Schaik BD, van Kampen AH, Baas F, van de Beek D, Pannekoek Y, van der Ende A (2011)
Genome sequence of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain H44\/76
Journal of Bacteriology 193 :2371

Piet JR, Huis in 't Veld RA, van Schaik BD, van Kampen AH, Baas F, van de Beek D, Pannekoek Y, van der Ende A (2011)
Journal of Bacteriology 193 :2371