

Title : Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid as second messengers for presynaptic inhibition of Aplysia sensory cells - Piomelli_1987_Nature_328_38
Author(s) : Piomelli D , Volterra A , Dale N , Siegelbaum SA , Kandel ER , Schwartz JH , Belardetti F
Ref : Nature , 328 :38 , 1987
Abstract :

Biochemical and biophysical studies on Aplysia sensory neurons indicate that inhibitory responses to the molluscan peptide FMRFamide are mediated by lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid. These compounds are a new class of second messengers in neurons.

PubMedSearch : Piomelli_1987_Nature_328_38
PubMedID: 2439918

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Piomelli D, Volterra A, Dale N, Siegelbaum SA, Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Belardetti F (1987)
Lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid as second messengers for presynaptic inhibition of Aplysia sensory cells
Nature 328 :38

Piomelli D, Volterra A, Dale N, Siegelbaum SA, Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Belardetti F (1987)
Nature 328 :38