

Title : Ketamine enantiomers and acetylcholinesterase - Puu_1991_Biochem.Pharmacol_41_2043
Author(s) : Puu G , Koch M , Artursson E
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 41 :2043 , 1991
Abstract :

(-)-ketamine was found to be more potent than (+)-ketamine in all the studied reactions with acetylcholinesterase. In most cases the difference was small but for two rate constants the (-)-form was unique in having effects. Thus, the stereoselectivity of ketamine in this system is the opposite of most other systems studied.

PubMedSearch : Puu_1991_Biochem.Pharmacol_41_2043
PubMedID: 2039553

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Puu G, Koch M, Artursson E (1991)
Ketamine enantiomers and acetylcholinesterase
Biochemical Pharmacology 41 :2043

Puu G, Koch M, Artursson E (1991)
Biochemical Pharmacology 41 :2043