

Title : Enhancing biodegradation efficiency of PLA\/PBAT-ST20 bioplastic using thermophilic bacteria co-culture system: New insight from structural characterization, enzyme activity, and metabolic pathways - Qiu_2024_J.Hazard.Mater_477_135426
Author(s) : Qiu Y , Wang P , Zhang L , Li C , Lu J , Ren L
Ref : J Hazard Mater , 477 :135426 , 2024
Abstract :

The rising utilization of PLA/PBAT-ST20 presents potential ecological risks stemming from its casual disposal and incomplete degradation. To solve this problem, this study investigated the degradation capabilities of PLA/PBAT-ST20 by a co-culture system comprising two thermophilic bacteria, Pseudomonas G1 and Kocuria G2, selected and identified from the thermophilic phase of compost. Structural characterization results revealed that the strains colonized the PLA/PBAT-ST20's surface, causing holes and cracks, with an increase in the carbonyl index (CI) and polydispersity index (PDI), indicating oxidative degradation. Enzyme activity results demonstrated that the co-culture system significantly enhanced the secretion and activity of proteases and lipases, promoting the breakdown of ester bonds. LC-QTOF-MS results showed that various intermediate products were obtained after degradation, ultimately participating in the TCA cycle (ko00020), further completely mineralized. Additionally, after 15-day compost, the co-culture system achieved a degradation rate of 72.14 +/- 2.1 wt% for PBAT/PLA-ST20 films, with a decrease in the abundance of plastic fragments of all sizes, demonstrating efficient degradation of PLA/PBAT-ST20 films. This study highlights the potential of thermophilic bacteria to address plastic pollution through biodegradation and emphasizes that the co-culture system could serve as an ideal solution for the remediation of PLA/PBAT plastics.

PubMedSearch : Qiu_2024_J.Hazard.Mater_477_135426
PubMedID: 39106720

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Qiu Y, Wang P, Zhang L, Li C, Lu J, Ren L (2024)
Enhancing biodegradation efficiency of PLA\/PBAT-ST20 bioplastic using thermophilic bacteria co-culture system: New insight from structural characterization, enzyme activity, and metabolic pathways
J Hazard Mater 477 :135426

Qiu Y, Wang P, Zhang L, Li C, Lu J, Ren L (2024)
J Hazard Mater 477 :135426