

Title : Correlation between toxic natures of pyrethroid and behavioral response of desert locusts - Rafi_2000_Pak.J.Pharm.Sci_13_13
Author(s) : Rafi F , Hassan R , Fatima H , Zafar F
Ref : Pak J Pharm Sci , 13 :13 , 2000
Abstract :

Optomotor normal visual response of the locust Schistocerca gregaria was compared when injected (between 1st and 2nd thoracic segments) with 10, 5, 2.5 and 1.25 microg/g body weight doses of Permethrin after different intervals of time (just after injection, 10 and 20 minutes). LD50 value for Permethrin was calculated to be 3.0 microg/g. Results are analyzed statistically by t. test and ANOVA technique. It was noticed that there was a significant decrease of vision (P<0.005, Table II) in treated locusts and at the same time Permethrine effect is significantly time related (P<0.05, ANOVA, table III). Correlation between increasing age, weight and increasing toxicity has also been established. The inhibition of neural enzyme Cholinesterase with Permethrin and as a result more accumulation of acetylcholine at nerve junctions and less passage of the transmission of impulses thus less response from the locusts has also been explored and discussed.

PubMedSearch : Rafi_2000_Pak.J.Pharm.Sci_13_13
PubMedID: 16414841

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Citations formats

Rafi F, Hassan R, Fatima H, Zafar F (2000)
Correlation between toxic natures of pyrethroid and behavioral response of desert locusts
Pak J Pharm Sci 13 :13

Rafi F, Hassan R, Fatima H, Zafar F (2000)
Pak J Pharm Sci 13 :13