Title : Agitation in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia (VIDEANT Trial): Effects of a Cluster-Randomized, Controlled, Guideline Implementation Trial - Rapp_2013_J.Am.Med.Dir.Assoc_14_690 |
Author(s) : Rapp MA , Mell T , Majic T , Treusch Y , Nordheim J , Niemann-Mirmehdi M , Gutzmann H , Heinz A |
Ref : J Am Med Dir Assoc , 14 :690 , 2013 |
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: To test the effect of a complex guideline-based intervention on agitation and psychotropic prescriptions. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS: Cluster randomized controlled trial (VIDEANT) with blinded assessment of outcome in 18 nursing homes in Berlin, Germany, comprising 304 dementia patients. INTERVENTION: Training, support, and activity therapy intervention, delivered at the level of each nursing home, focusing on the management of agitation in dementia. Control group nursing homes received treatment as usual. MEASUREMENTS: Levels of agitated and disruptive behavior (Cohen-Mansfield agitation inventory [CMAI]) as the primary outcome. Number of neuroleptics, antidepressants, and cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) prescribed in defined daily dosages (DDDs). |
PubMedSearch : Rapp_2013_J.Am.Med.Dir.Assoc_14_690 |
PubMedID: 23827658 |
Rapp MA, Mell T, Majic T, Treusch Y, Nordheim J, Niemann-Mirmehdi M, Gutzmann H, Heinz A (2013)
Agitation in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia (VIDEANT Trial): Effects of a Cluster-Randomized, Controlled, Guideline Implementation Trial
J Am Med Dir Assoc
14 :690
Rapp MA, Mell T, Majic T, Treusch Y, Nordheim J, Niemann-Mirmehdi M, Gutzmann H, Heinz A (2013)
J Am Med Dir Assoc
14 :690