

Title : [Cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia: the precarious balance between efficacy and safety] - Richard_2006_Ned.Tijdschr.Geneeskd_150_530
Author(s) : Richard E , van Gool WA
Ref : Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd , 150 :530 , 2006
Abstract :

Cholinesterase inhibitors are widely prescribed in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Recently it has become clear that using these medications increases the risk of serious adverse events like cardiac arrhythmias, and some studies report a much-increased mortality in the treatment group on comparison with the placebo group. In the light of the at best, modest, treatment effects, we advocate that the safety of cholinesterase inhibitors should be the subject of continuing, intense scrutiny. Efforts should be made to delineate the profile of a true 'cholinergic deficiency syndrome', in order to be able to prescribe these medications to a group of patients in whom the benefits outweigh the risks.

PubMedSearch : Richard_2006_Ned.Tijdschr.Geneeskd_150_530
PubMedID: 16566413

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Richard E, van Gool WA (2006)
[Cholinesterase inhibitors in dementia: the precarious balance between efficacy and safety]
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 150 :530

Richard E, van Gool WA (2006)
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 150 :530