

Title : EEG changes induced by acute and chronic quisqualic or ibotenic acid nucleus basalis lesions are stabilized by tacridine - Riekkinen_1991_Brain.Res_559_304
Author(s) : Riekkinen P, Jr. , Sirvio J , Riekkinen M , Riekkinen P
Ref : Brain Research , 559 :304 , 1991
Abstract :

The present study investigated the effects of acute (1 week) and chronic (8 months) quisqualic (quis) and ibotenic (ibo) acid nucleus basalis (NB) lesions on the biochemical activity of the NB cholinergic system (choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity) and on neocortical EEG activity. Cortical ChAT activity of quis or ibo NB-lesioned rats did not recover during an 8-month period. Acute and chronic quis and ibo NB lesions increased EEG slow waves and high voltage spindles. Tacridine, an anticholinesterase, dose-dependently suppressed acute and chronic quis and ibo NB lesion-induced EEG changes. The present results suggest that NB cholinergic neurons do not recover after excitotoxin-induced damage during an 8-month period and that cholinergic neuron loss is importantly involved in the acute and chronic lesion-induced EEG changes.

PubMedSearch : Riekkinen_1991_Brain.Res_559_304
PubMedID: 1794103

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Riekkinen P, Jr., Sirvio J, Riekkinen M, Riekkinen P (1991)
EEG changes induced by acute and chronic quisqualic or ibotenic acid nucleus basalis lesions are stabilized by tacridine
Brain Research 559 :304

Riekkinen P, Jr., Sirvio J, Riekkinen M, Riekkinen P (1991)
Brain Research 559 :304