Title : Esterase D: some population and formal genetical data - Rittner_1975_Hum.Hered_25_152 |
Author(s) : Rittner C , Muller G |
Ref : Hum Hered , 25 :152 , 1975 |
Abstract :
562 healthy blood donors and 65 families with 149 offspring were types for esterase D (EsD). The observed allele frequencies are in good agreement with those determined in other Caucasian populations. The rare variant EsD3 was found in a blood donor who transmitted it to his daughter. The observed segregation ratios in our family material showed no deviation from expectation. |
PubMedSearch : Rittner_1975_Hum.Hered_25_152 |
PubMedID: 1150300 |
Rittner C, Muller G (1975)
Esterase D: some population and formal genetical data
Hum Hered
25 :152
Rittner C, Muller G (1975)
Hum Hered
25 :152