

Title : Cholinergic nicotinic receptors: competitive ligands, allosteric modulators, and their potential applications - Romanelli_2003_Med.Res.Rev_23_393
Author(s) : Romanelli MN , Gualtieri F
Ref : Med Res Rev , 23 :393 , 2003
Abstract :

Discovery of the important role played by nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in several CNS disorders has called attention to these membrane proteins and to ligands able to modulate their functions. The existence of different subtypes at multiple levels has complicated the understanding of this receptor's physiological role, but at the same time has increased the efforts to discover selective compounds in order to improve the pharmacological characterization of this kind of receptor and to make the possible therapeutical use of its modulators safer. This review focuses on the structure of new ligands for nAChRs, agonists, antagonists and allosteric modulators, and on their possible applications.

PubMedSearch : Romanelli_2003_Med.Res.Rev_23_393
PubMedID: 12710018

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Citations formats

Romanelli MN, Gualtieri F (2003)
Cholinergic nicotinic receptors: competitive ligands, allosteric modulators, and their potential applications
Med Res Rev 23 :393

Romanelli MN, Gualtieri F (2003)
Med Res Rev 23 :393