

Title : Comparative genomic analysis of phylogenetically closely related Hydrogenobaculum sp. isolates from Yellowstone National Park - Romano_2013_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_79_2932
Author(s) : Romano C , D'Imperio S , Woyke T , Mavromatis K , Lasken R , Shock EL , McDermott TR
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 79 :2932 , 2013
Abstract :

We describe the complete genome sequences of four closely related Hydrogenobaculum sp. isolates (>/= 99.7% 16S rRNA gene identity) that were isolated from the outflow channel of Dragon Spring (DS), Norris Geyser Basin, in Yellowstone National Park (YNP), WY. The genomes range in size from 1,552,607 to 1,552,931 bp, contain 1,667 to 1,676 predicted genes, and are highly syntenic. There are subtle differences among the DS isolates, which as a group are different from Hydrogenobaculum sp. strain Y04AAS1 that was previously isolated from a geographically distinct YNP geothermal feature. Genes unique to the DS genomes encode arsenite [As(III)] oxidation, NADH-ubiquinone-plastoquinone (complex I), NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain, a DNA photolyase, and elements of a type II secretion system. Functions unique to strain Y04AAS1 include thiosulfate metabolism, nitrate respiration, and mercury resistance determinants. DS genomes contain seven CRISPR loci that are almost identical but are different from the single CRISPR locus in strain Y04AAS1. Other differences between the DS and Y04AAS1 genomes include average nucleotide identity (94.764%) and percentage conserved DNA (80.552%). Approximately half of the genes unique to Y04AAS1 are predicted to have been acquired via horizontal gene transfer. Fragment recruitment analysis and marker gene searches demonstrated that the DS metagenome was more similar to the DS genomes than to the Y04AAS1 genome, but that the DS community is likely comprised of a continuum of Hydrogenobaculum genotypes that span from the DS genomes described here to an Y04AAS1-like organism, which appears to represent a distinct ecotype relative to the DS genomes characterized.

PubMedSearch : Romano_2013_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_79_2932
PubMedID: 23435891
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9aqui-m1rqz9

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Citations formats

Romano C, D'Imperio S, Woyke T, Mavromatis K, Lasken R, Shock EL, McDermott TR (2013)
Comparative genomic analysis of phylogenetically closely related Hydrogenobaculum sp. isolates from Yellowstone National Park
Applied Environmental Microbiology 79 :2932

Romano C, D'Imperio S, Woyke T, Mavromatis K, Lasken R, Shock EL, McDermott TR (2013)
Applied Environmental Microbiology 79 :2932