

Title : Different effects of electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formation on the release of dopamine and acetylcholine in the cat caudate nucleus - Romo_1987_Neurosci.Lett_78_57
Author(s) : Romo R , Gaudry-Talarmain YM , Cheramy A , Godeheu G , Leviel V , Chesselet MF , Glowinski J , Israel M
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 78 :57 , 1987
Abstract :

The effects of unilateral electrical stimulation of the pontine (PRF) and mesencephalic (MRF) reticular formation on the release of acetylcholine (ACh) and of [3H]dopamine continuously synthesised from [3H]tyrosine were examined in both caudate nuclei of halothane-anaesthetised cats implanted with push-pull cannulae. Stimulation of PRF led to a prolonged bilateral increase in the release of [3H]dopamine, whereas a significant reduction in [3H]amine release was observed in the ipsilateral caudate nucleus following stimulation of the MRF. Changes in ACh release were also seen, but they seemed to be independent from those in dopamine release: the release of ACh was enhanced markedly in both caudate nuclei following stimulation of the MRF, whereas a more moderate increase in the release of ACh occurred ipsilaterally following stimulation of the PRF. These data indicate that both the MRF and the PRF are involved in the control of dopaminergic and cholinergic transmission in the basal ganglia.

PubMedSearch : Romo_1987_Neurosci.Lett_78_57
PubMedID: 3039422

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Romo R, Gaudry-Talarmain YM, Cheramy A, Godeheu G, Leviel V, Chesselet MF, Glowinski J, Israel M (1987)
Different effects of electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formation on the release of dopamine and acetylcholine in the cat caudate nucleus
Neuroscience Letters 78 :57

Romo R, Gaudry-Talarmain YM, Cheramy A, Godeheu G, Leviel V, Chesselet MF, Glowinski J, Israel M (1987)
Neuroscience Letters 78 :57