

Title : Gln-Arg192 polymorphism of paraoxonase and coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes - Ruiz_1995_Lancet_346_869
Author(s) : Ruiz J , Blanche H , James RW , Garin MC , Vaisse C , Charpentier G , Cohen N , Morabia A , Passa P , Froguel P
Ref : Lancet , 346 :869 , 1995
Abstract :

Paraoxonase is a high-density-lipoprotein-associated enzyme capable of hydrolysing lipid peroxides. Thus it might protect lipoproteins from oxidation. It has two isoforms, which arise from a glutamine (A isoform) to arginine (B isoform) interchange at position 192. The relevance of this polymorphism to coronary heart disease (CHD) in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients was investigated in case-control study. Of the 434 patients, 171 had confirmed coronary artery disease; the other 263 had no history of such disease. The B allele and AB+BB genotypes were associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. Compared with subjects homozygous for the A allele (AA genotype), the odds ratio of CHD for subjects homozygous for the B allele was 2.5 (95% CI 1.2-5.3) and that for those heterozygous for the B allele was 1.6 (95% CI 1.1-2.4), suggesting a codominant effect on cardiovascular risk. When subjected to multivariate analysis, the B allele remained significantly associated with CHD (odds ratio 1.94, p = 0.03). The paraoxonase gene polymorphism is thus an independent cardiovascular risk factor in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. A possible explanation for this finding is that activity of the paraoxonase B isotype does not protect well against lipid oxidation, a major atherogenic pathway.

PubMedSearch : Ruiz_1995_Lancet_346_869
PubMedID: 7564671

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Ruiz J, Blanche H, James RW, Garin MC, Vaisse C, Charpentier G, Cohen N, Morabia A, Passa P, Froguel P (1995)
Gln-Arg192 polymorphism of paraoxonase and coronary heart disease in type 2 diabetes
Lancet 346 :869

Ruiz J, Blanche H, James RW, Garin MC, Vaisse C, Charpentier G, Cohen N, Morabia A, Passa P, Froguel P (1995)
Lancet 346 :869