

Title : Isolation of lipid- and polysaccharide-degrading micro-organisms from subtropical forest soil, and analysis of lipolytic strain Bacillus sp. CR-179 - Ruiz_2005_Lett.Appl.Microbiol_40_218
Author(s) : Ruiz C , Pastor FI , Diaz P
Ref : Lett Appl Microbiol , 40 :218 , 2005
Abstract :

AIMS: To isolate the micro-organisms from three soil samples obtained from a subtropical forest of Puerto Iguazu (Argentina), to analyse them for detection of the biotechnologically interesting enzymatic activities lipase, esterase, cellulase, xylanase and pectinase, and to identify the most active strain. METHODS AND
RESULTS: A total of 724 strains were isolated using different culture media and temperatures, and 449 of them showed at least one of the hydrolytic activities pursued. Lipolytic activity of the lipid-degrading strains was further determined using MUF-butyrate and MUF-oleate as substrates. The alkalophilic strain CR-179, one of the most active for all the enzymatic activities assayed, was characterized and preliminarily identified by morphological, physiological and 16S rDNA tests, as a Bacillus sp. closely related to Bacillus subtilis.
CONCLUSIONS: Highly hydrolytic strains were isolated from all soil samples, suggesting the existence of a microbial community well-adapted to nutrient recycling. Strain CR-179, one of the most active, has been preliminarily identified as a Bacillus sp. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A collection of hydrolytic strains with high biotechnological potential was obtained. Presence of sequences codifying for a lipolytic system related to the B. subtilis group lipases was revealed by PCR for the best lipolytic strain.

PubMedSearch : Ruiz_2005_Lett.Appl.Microbiol_40_218
PubMedID: 15715648

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Ruiz C, Pastor FI, Diaz P (2005)
Isolation of lipid- and polysaccharide-degrading micro-organisms from subtropical forest soil, and analysis of lipolytic strain Bacillus sp. CR-179
Lett Appl Microbiol 40 :218

Ruiz C, Pastor FI, Diaz P (2005)
Lett Appl Microbiol 40 :218