

Title : Agrin and the organization of the neuromuscular junction - Rupp_1992_Curr.Opin.Neurobiol_2_88
Author(s) : Rupp F , Hoch W , Campanelli JT , Kreiner T , Scheller RH
Ref : Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 2 :88 , 1992
Abstract :

Agrin is a component of the synaptic extracellular matrix and may regulate the organization of acetylcholine receptors and other synaptic molecules in both synapse regeneration and development. Analyses of cDNAs encoding agrin define a number of structural domains, including regions of homology to laminin, Kazal protease inhibitors, and epidermal growth factor repeats.

PubMedSearch : Rupp_1992_Curr.Opin.Neurobiol_2_88
PubMedID: 1322209

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Rupp F, Hoch W, Campanelli JT, Kreiner T, Scheller RH (1992)
Agrin and the organization of the neuromuscular junction
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2 :88

Rupp F, Hoch W, Campanelli JT, Kreiner T, Scheller RH (1992)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2 :88