

Title : Identification of the gene-richest bands in human prometaphase chromosomes - Saccone_1999_Chromosome.Res_7_379
Author(s) : Saccone S , Federico C , Solovei I , Croquette MF , Della Valle G , Bernardi G
Ref : Chromosome Res , 7 :379 , 1999
Abstract :

The human genome is a mosaic of long, compositionally homogeneous DNA segments, the isochores, that can be partitioned into five families, two GC-poor families (L1 and L2), representing 63% of the genome, and three GC-rich families (H1, H2 and H3), representing 24%, 7.5% and 4-5% of the genome, respectively. Gene concentration increases with increasing GC levels, reaching a level 20-fold higher in H3 compared with L isochores. In-situ hybridization of DNA from different isochore families provides, therefore, information on the chromosomal distribution of genes. Using this approach, three subsets of reverse or Giemsa-negative bands, H3+, H3* and H3-, containing large, moderate, and no detectable amounts, respectively, of the gene-richest H3 isochores were identified at a resolution of 400 bands. H3+ bands largely coincide with the most heat-denaturation-resistant bands, the chromomycin-A3-positive, DAPI-negative bands, the bands with the highest CpG island concentrations, and the earliest replicating bands. Here, we have defined the H3+ bands at a 850-band resolution, and have thus identified the human genome regions, having an average size of 4 Mb, that are endowed with the highest gene density.

PubMedSearch : Saccone_1999_Chromosome.Res_7_379
PubMedID: 10515213

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Saccone S, Federico C, Solovei I, Croquette MF, Della Valle G, Bernardi G (1999)
Identification of the gene-richest bands in human prometaphase chromosomes
Chromosome Res 7 :379

Saccone S, Federico C, Solovei I, Croquette MF, Della Valle G, Bernardi G (1999)
Chromosome Res 7 :379