

Title : Tadpoles of the horned frog Ceratophrys ornata exhibit high sensitivity to chlorpyrifos for conventional ecotoxicological and novel bioacoustic variables - Salgado_2018_Environ.Pollut_235_938
Author(s) : Salgado Costa C , Ronco AE , Trudeau VL , Marino D , Natale GS
Ref : Environ Pollut , 235 :938 , 2018
Abstract :

Previous studies reported that some species of the family Ceratophryidae are able to produce sounds during premetamorphic tadpole stages. We have now determined the effects of the cholinesterase-inhibiting insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) on sounds emitted by tadpoles of Ceratophrys ornata. Tadpoles were exposed individually in order to evaluate the progression of effects. Effects on sound production were complemented with common ecotoxicological endpoints (mortality, behavior, abnormalities and growth inhibition). C. ornata was found to be more sensitive than other native (= 67%, 50%) and non-native species (= 75%, 100%) considering lethal and sublethal endpoints, respectively. Effects on sounds appear along with alterations in swimming, followed by the presence of mild, then severe abnormalities and finally death. Therefore, sound production may be a good biomarker since it anticipates other endpoints that are also affected by CPF. Ceratophrys ornata is a promising new model species in ecotoxicology.

PubMedSearch : Salgado_2018_Environ.Pollut_235_938
PubMedID: 29751398

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Salgado Costa C, Ronco AE, Trudeau VL, Marino D, Natale GS (2018)
Tadpoles of the horned frog Ceratophrys ornata exhibit high sensitivity to chlorpyrifos for conventional ecotoxicological and novel bioacoustic variables
Environ Pollut 235 :938

Salgado Costa C, Ronco AE, Trudeau VL, Marino D, Natale GS (2018)
Environ Pollut 235 :938