Title : Sensory deafferentation fails to modify muscarinic receptor binding in raccoon somatosensory cortex - Sampson_1988_Brain.Res.Bull_20_597 |
Author(s) : Sampson SM , Shaw C , Wilkinson M , Rasmusson DD |
Ref : Brain Research Bulletin , 20 :597 , 1988 |
Abstract :
The characteristics and distribution of muscarinic acetylcholine (mACh) receptor binding in primary somatosensory (SI) cortex and the caudate nucleus of raccoons were studied using [3H]-QNB, a muscarinic antagonist. The binding characteristics were similar to reported values in rat and cat. Autoradiographs produced from tissue sections labeled with [3H]-QNB showed the distribution of mACh receptors in the forebrain of the raccoon. [3H]-QNB binding was highest in cerebral cortex, neostriatum and hippocampus. Within SI cortex, binding was high in layers I-III and VI and relatively low in layers IV and V. Autoradiographs obtained from animals that had undergone peripheral deafferentation of part of the forepaw revealed no changes in [3H]-QNB binding in the affected cortical region during the time that physiological reorganization is known to occur. |
PubMedSearch : Sampson_1988_Brain.Res.Bull_20_597 |
PubMedID: 3382965 |
Sampson SM, Shaw C, Wilkinson M, Rasmusson DD (1988)
Sensory deafferentation fails to modify muscarinic receptor binding in raccoon somatosensory cortex
Brain Research Bulletin
20 :597
Sampson SM, Shaw C, Wilkinson M, Rasmusson DD (1988)
Brain Research Bulletin
20 :597