

Title : AChE for DNA degradation - Sanchez-Osuna_2015_Cell.Res_25_653
Author(s) : Sanchez-Osuna M , Yuste VJ
Ref : Cell Res , 25 :653 , 2015
Abstract :

DNA hydrolysis is a biochemical process often associated with different forms of cell death, including apoptosis. In a recent paper published in Cell Discovery, Du et al. report that synaptic acetylcholinesterase (AChE-S) shows an unexpected enzymatic activity as DNase switched on after cytotoxic insults.

PubMedSearch : Sanchez-Osuna_2015_Cell.Res_25_653
PubMedID: 25930710

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Citations formats

Sanchez-Osuna M, Yuste VJ (2015)
AChE for DNA degradation
Cell Res 25 :653

Sanchez-Osuna M, Yuste VJ (2015)
Cell Res 25 :653