

Title : Heterogeneity of postnatal development of ACh levels in brain regions of the mouse - Sawa_1987_Brain.Res_431_151
Author(s) : Sawa A , Stavinoha WB
Ref : Brain Research , 431 :151 , 1987
Abstract :

Acetylcholine (ACh) was measured from birth to the 78th day in 11 mouse brain regions. Three patterns of development emerged: ACh increased rapidly, overshot and returned to the adult level in midbrain-medulla-pons and cerebellum, ACh increased linearly to adult level in neostriatum and olfactory bulb and ACh increased linearly to a plateau and then increased to the adult level in the remaining regions.

PubMedSearch : Sawa_1987_Brain.Res_431_151
PubMedID: 3620984

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Sawa A, Stavinoha WB (1987)
Heterogeneity of postnatal development of ACh levels in brain regions of the mouse
Brain Research 431 :151

Sawa A, Stavinoha WB (1987)
Brain Research 431 :151