

Title : Genetic analysis of non-recessive factors of resistance to diazinon in the SKA strain of the housefly (Musca domestica L.) - Sawicki_1966_Bull.World.Health.Organ_35_893
Author(s) : Sawicki RM , Franco MG , Milani R
Ref : Bulletin of the World Health Organization , 35 :893 , 1966
Abstract :

The recent allocation of many visible mutants to specific linkage-groups has made possible their use as genetic markers in the study of the inheritance of insecticide resistance. In most organophosphorus-resistant strains, resistance is controlled by a single gene on the V linkage-group responsible for resistance and low ali-esterase activity, but in some strains more than one factor is present. The present work was done to analyse the genetics of resistance to diazinon in a strain (the SKA strain) bred from two diazinon-resistant strains. Crosses between the SKA flies and four susceptible recessive marker strains, each marked on one linkage-group, followed by test-crosses with recessive markers and by bioassays of each cross, have shown that non-recessive factors for resistance to diazinon are present on the IV and V linkage-groups. The SKA strain genetically resembles its parents but differs by being considerably more resistant.

PubMedSearch : Sawicki_1966_Bull.World.Health.Organ_35_893
PubMedID: 5298038

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Sawicki RM, Franco MG, Milani R (1966)
Genetic analysis of non-recessive factors of resistance to diazinon in the SKA strain of the housefly (Musca domestica L.)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 35 :893

Sawicki RM, Franco MG, Milani R (1966)
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 35 :893