

Title : Evolution in action - Scanlan_1995_Chem.Biol_2_71
Author(s) : Scanlan TS , Reid RC
Ref : Chemistry & Biology , 2 :71 , 1995
Abstract :

The alpha/beta barrel enzyme phosphotriesterase from soil bacteria appears to have evolved the ability to hydrolyze the insecticide paraoxon at the diffusion limit in only a few decades. A newly-identified open reading frame from Escherichia coli may offer a clue to its origins.

PubMedSearch : Scanlan_1995_Chem.Biol_2_71
PubMedID: 9383406

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Scanlan TS, Reid RC (1995)
Evolution in action
Chemistry & Biology 2 :71

Scanlan TS, Reid RC (1995)
Chemistry & Biology 2 :71