

Title : [Effect of insecticides on larvae of Musca domestica in swine manure], - Schneider_1976_Angew.Parasitol_17_128
Author(s) : Schneider M , Groth U
Ref : Angew Parasitol , 17 :128 , 1976
Abstract :

The effectiveness of four inorganic compounds and six preparations of insecticides was examined on larvae of Musca domestica in pig manure. The activity of sodiumfluoride and chlorinated hydrocarbons was low. Carbaryl indicated better effect. Good to very good results showed trichlofon and bromophos and the inorganic compounds sodium hexafluorsilicate, sodium tetraborate and calcium cyanamid. The influence of calcium cyanamid and sodium tetraborate led to considerable morphological deformations of pupae. With the latter compound and with fluorides a distinct prolongation of period of development was established in comparison with control. The effect of trichlorfon and bromophos decomposes rapily in pig manure. With trichlorfon an indirect ovicide effect was observed.

PubMedSearch : Schneider_1976_Angew.Parasitol_17_128
PubMedID: 824979

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Citations formats

Schneider M, Groth U (1976)
[Effect of insecticides on larvae of Musca domestica in swine manure],
Angew Parasitol 17 :128

Schneider M, Groth U (1976)
Angew Parasitol 17 :128