

Title : Reversal by physostigmine of clozapine-induced delirium - Schuster_1977_Clin.Toxicol_10_437
Author(s) : Schuster P , Gabriel E , Kufferle B , Strobl G , Karobath M
Ref : Clinical Toxicology , 10 :437 , 1977
Abstract :

Clozapine, a new antipsychotic drug without extrapyramidal side effects and with strong sedating potency, can produce acute symptoms of central anticholinergic toxicity. The authors report that physostigmine, a reversible anticholinesterase agent, which can pass the blood-brain barrier, was effective in reversing the clozapine-induced brain syndrome in two patients. Physostigmine also reduced one patient's tachycardia.

PubMedSearch : Schuster_1977_Clin.Toxicol_10_437
PubMedID: 862378

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Schuster P, Gabriel E, Kufferle B, Strobl G, Karobath M (1977)
Reversal by physostigmine of clozapine-induced delirium
Clinical Toxicology 10 :437

Schuster P, Gabriel E, Kufferle B, Strobl G, Karobath M (1977)
Clinical Toxicology 10 :437