

Title : Effects of farnesoid X receptor on the expression of the fatty acid synthetase and hepatic lipase - Shen_2011_Mol.Biol.Rep_38_553
Author(s) : Shen LL , Liu H , Peng J , Gan L , Lu L , Zhang Q , Li L , He F , Jiang Y
Ref : Mol Biol Rep , 38 :553 , 2011
Abstract :

The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a nuclear receptor that regulates gene expression in response to bile acids (BAs). FXR plays an important role in the homeostasis of bile acid, cholesterol, lipoprotein and triglyceride. In this report, we identified fatty acid synthase (FAS) and hepatic lipase (HL) genes as novel target genes of FXR. Human hepatoma HepG2 cells were treated with chenodeoxycholic acid, the natural FXR ligand, and the messenger RNA and protein levels of FAS and HL were determined by RT-PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively. Chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) down-regulated the expression of FAS and HL genes in a dose and time-dependent manner in human hepatoma HepG2 cells. In addition, treatment of mice with CDCA significantly decreased the expression of FAS and HL in mouse liver and the activity of HL. These results demonstrated that FAS and HL might be FXR-regulated genes in liver cells. In view of the role of FAS and HL in lipogenesis and plasma lipoprotein metabolism, our results further support the central role of FXR in the homeostasis of fatty acid and lipid.

PubMedSearch : Shen_2011_Mol.Biol.Rep_38_553
PubMedID: 20373033

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Shen LL, Liu H, Peng J, Gan L, Lu L, Zhang Q, Li L, He F, Jiang Y (2011)
Effects of farnesoid X receptor on the expression of the fatty acid synthetase and hepatic lipase
Mol Biol Rep 38 :553

Shen LL, Liu H, Peng J, Gan L, Lu L, Zhang Q, Li L, He F, Jiang Y (2011)
Mol Biol Rep 38 :553