

Title : Screening of novel microbial enzymes for the production of biologically and chemically useful compounds. - Shimizu_1997_Adv.Biochem.Eng.Biotechnol_58_45
Author(s) : Shimizu S , Ogawa J , Kataoka M , Kobayashi M
Ref : Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology , 58 :45 , 1997
Abstract :

Enzymes have been generally accepted as superior catalysts in organic synthesis. Micro-organisms in particular have been regarded as treasure sources of useful enzymes. The synthetic technology using microbial enzymes or micro-organisms themselves is called microbial transformation. In designing a microbial transformation process, one of the most important points is to find a suitable enzyme for the reaction of interest. Various kinds of novel enzymes for specific transformations have been discovered in micro-organisms and their potential characteristics revealed. This article reviews our current results on the discovery of novel enzymes for the production of biologically and chemically useful compounds, and emphasizes the importance of screening enzymes in a diverse microbial world.

PubMedSearch : Shimizu_1997_Adv.Biochem.Eng.Biotechnol_58_45
PubMedID: 9103911

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Shimizu S, Ogawa J, Kataoka M, Kobayashi M (1997)
Screening of novel microbial enzymes for the production of biologically and chemically useful compounds.
Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology 58 :45

Shimizu S, Ogawa J, Kataoka M, Kobayashi M (1997)
Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology 58 :45