

Title : Effects of polymethylmethacrylate nanoplastics on the polychaete Hediste diversicolor: Behavioural, regenerative, and biochemical responses - Silva_2023_Aquat.Toxicol_265_106743
Author(s) : Silva MSS , Pires A , Vethaak AD , Martinez-Gomez C , Almeida M , Pinto R , Figueira E , Oliveira M
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 265 :106743 , 2023
Abstract :

Plastics, particularly microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs), have been regarded as pollutants of emerging concern due to their effects on organisms and ecosystems, especially considering marine environments. However, in terms of NPs, there is still a knowledge gap regarding the effects of size and polymer on marine invertebrates, such as benthic organisms. Therefore, this study aimed to understand, regarding behavioural, physiological, and biochemical endpoints (neurotransmission, energy metabolism, antioxidant status, and oxidative damage), the effects of 50 nm waterborne polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) NPs (0.5 to 500 microg/L) on the marine benthic polychaete Hediste diversicolor, a key species in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Results demonstrated that worms exposed to PMMA NPs had a shorter burrowing time than control organisms. Nevertheless, worms exposed to PMMA NPs (0.5 and 500 microg/L) decreased cholinesterase activity. Energy metabolism was decreased at 50 and 500 microg/L, and glycogen content decreased at all concentrations of PMMA NPs. Enzymes related to the antioxidant defence system (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase) displayed increased activities in H. diversicolor specimens exposed to concentrations between 0.5 and 500 microg/L, which led to no damage at the cell membrane and protein levels. In this study, polychaetes also displayed a lower regenerative capacity when exposed to PMMA NPs. Overall, the data obtained in this study emphasize the potential consequences of PMMA NPs to benthic worms, particularly between 0.5 and 50 microg/L, with polychaetes exposed to 50 microg/L being the most impacted by the analysed NPs. However, since sediments are considered to be sinks and sources of plastics, further studies are needed to better understand the impacts of different sizes and polymers on marine organisms, particularly benthic species.

PubMedSearch : Silva_2023_Aquat.Toxicol_265_106743
PubMedID: 37931377

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Silva MSS, Pires A, Vethaak AD, Martinez-Gomez C, Almeida M, Pinto R, Figueira E, Oliveira M (2023)
Effects of polymethylmethacrylate nanoplastics on the polychaete Hediste diversicolor: Behavioural, regenerative, and biochemical responses
Aquat Toxicol 265 :106743

Silva MSS, Pires A, Vethaak AD, Martinez-Gomez C, Almeida M, Pinto R, Figueira E, Oliveira M (2023)
Aquat Toxicol 265 :106743