

Title : Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus - Simonato_2015_Aquat.Toxicol_170_31
Author(s) : Simonato JD , Mela M , Doria HB , Guiloski IC , Randi MA , Carvalho PS , Meletti PC , Silva de Assis HC , Bianchini A , Martinez CB
Ref : Aquat Toxicol , 170 :31 , 2015
Abstract :

The main goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of acute exposure to copper (Cu) using a Neotropical freshwater fish as sentinel species through multi biomarkers analysis at different biological levels. Juveniles of Prochilodus lineatus were kept under control condition (no Cu addition in the water) or exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of waterborne Cu (5, 9 and 20mugL-1) for 96h. These concentrations were selected to bracket the current Brazilian water quality criteria for Cu in fresh water (9 and 13mugL-1 dissolved copper). Endpoints analyzed included ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, reduced glutathione (GSH) and metallothionein-like protein (MT) concentration, lipid peroxidation (LPO) level, tissue damage index, and incidence of free melano-macrophages (FMM) and melano-macrophage centers (MMC) in the liver. They also included DNA damage (frequency of nucleoids per comet class, number of damaged nucleoids per fish and DNA damage score) in erythrocytes, as well as muscle and brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and behavioral parameters (swimming distance and velocity, time spent swimming and swimming activity in the upper and lower layers of the water column). Fish exposed to any of the Cu concentrations tested showed increased liver MT concentration and LPO level, higher number of damaged nucleoids in erythrocytes per fish, and inhibited muscle AChE activity. Also, increased liver SOD activity was observed in fish exposed to 9 and 20mugL-1 Cu. Fish exposed to 5 and 9mugL-1 Cu spent lower amount of time swimming. Fish exposed to 9mugL-1 Cu showed increased swimming distance and velocity while those exposed to 20mugL-1 Cu had lower swimming distance and velocity, as well as, spent less time swimming in the lower layer of the water column when compared to those kept under control condition. These findings indicate that Cu exposure at environmentally relevant concentrations (below or close to the current Brazilian water quality criteria) induced significant biological (histological, biochemical and genetic) and ecological (swimming and exploratory abilities) damages in the Neotropical fish P. lineatus. They also suggest that MT concentration, DNA damage (comet assay), LPO (TBARS method), SOD and AChE activity, together with swimming behavior analyses are potential biomarkers to assess and monitor areas impacted by Cu in fresh water.

PubMedSearch : Simonato_2015_Aquat.Toxicol_170_31
PubMedID: 26613196

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Simonato JD, Mela M, Doria HB, Guiloski IC, Randi MA, Carvalho PS, Meletti PC, Silva de Assis HC, Bianchini A, Martinez CB (2015)
Biomarkers of waterborne copper exposure in the Neotropical fish Prochilodus lineatus
Aquat Toxicol 170 :31

Simonato JD, Mela M, Doria HB, Guiloski IC, Randi MA, Carvalho PS, Meletti PC, Silva de Assis HC, Bianchini A, Martinez CB (2015)
Aquat Toxicol 170 :31