

Title : Preparation of some toxic metabolites of disulfoton, phorate, and terbufos, their separation by thin-layer chromatography and confirmation by electron impact mass spectrometry - Simonovska_1997_J.AOAC.Int_80_688
Author(s) : Simonovska B
Ref : Journal of AOAC International , 80 :688 , 1997
Abstract :

Milligram quantities of sulfoxides, sulfones, and oxygen analogue (oxon) sulfones of the insecticides disulfoton, phorate, and terbufos were prepared by selective oxidation. Pure insecticides or acetone extracts of granular formulations served as reactants. Structures of 9 compounds were confirmed by comparing their electron impact mass spectra (EI-MS), obtained by the direct inlet system with published data. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) on silica gel was used to screen oxidation products and to purify products. Products were detected by spraying plates with PdCl2 reagent and exposing to iodine vapors. An esterase inhibition technique gave low detection limits, which are promising for residue analysis.

PubMedSearch : Simonovska_1997_J.AOAC.Int_80_688
PubMedID: 9170663

Related information

Inhibitor Disulfoton    Phorate    Terbufos

Citations formats

Simonovska B (1997)
Preparation of some toxic metabolites of disulfoton, phorate, and terbufos, their separation by thin-layer chromatography and confirmation by electron impact mass spectrometry
Journal of AOAC International 80 :688

Simonovska B (1997)
Journal of AOAC International 80 :688